Leelee Scaldaferri, one of the talented artists behind Extra Credits, once drew an adorable little octopus into her webcomic, NameGame. The adorably oozing creature was named Podipus, and though he sometimes just sits around looking cute, he’s also been known to show superhero aspirations and political savvy.
bonus post – Podipus plushies and how to get one
felt pigs
A Moment of Immodesty Several months ago, I had a stroke of utter genius. I admit to pridefully thinking that I’ve done something rather clever now and then when it comes to craft ideas and execution, but this is the one thing I’ve come up with that I actually think was somewhat brilliant. I’m certain […]
cherry blossom thank you cards
I’ve been trying for ages to craft a decent representation of cherry blossoms, since they’re one of my very favourite things. The felt ones I did way back near the beginning of this blog were alright, but I never really managed to put a decent looking cherry blossom tree on a card. Until now. Cherry […]
open-ended paper heart box
Ah, Valentines’ Day. The 24-hour span responsible for the greatest number of breakups in the year. A day that drips with soggy Hallmark declarations, bursts with the emotion of panicked last-minute lovers in flower shops, rings with the voices of a million untrustworthy women saying, “No, no, you don’t need to get me anything.” A […]
cherry blossoms – in felt!
I recently got back in touch with an old junior high friend. No, that makes me sound more proactive than I truly am. She got in touch with me. Turns out she’s also into the whole writing scene, and has a rather entertaining blog called Wifeish. If you suffer spring allergies from your local flora’s […]