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big storms, big trucks, and big tank tops transformed into vests

We had a thunderstorm this July! And then we had another small one just this week. Two in one year – the apocalypse is surely on its way.

See, I live on the west coast of Canada, where the weather almost never threatens to kill you or does anything terribly interesting at all, really. The thunderstorms we’ve had this summer are the only real ones I’ve experienced in close to a decade of living here. Out here on Vancouver Island we mostly just get a lot of wind. It’s significant wind, sure – in our top floor apartment it sounds like a several families of dragons ate way too many tacos and are expelling gas from both ends. But it’s not the same as a good thunderstorm.

I spent most of my youth in the American Midwest, where I cowered fearfully as a child through the huge thunderstorms we experienced every spring, then learned to love them just in time to move away to a place entirely lacking in celestial conflict. My parents still live in the Midwest, though, and last summer a big storm ripped off half the huge old maple tree in their backyard and dropped it on their neighbour’s garage. Exciting stuff, right?

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the terror of the seas

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in the world of Mario – Piranha Plants & Boshi dolls

If you examine any given person’s childhood, you can find some way in which it was lacking or “deprived.” (Note that we’re talking in an entirely superficial, first-world-problems kind of a way here.) There is not enough room in on person’s childhood to contain all the game-playing, book-reading, movie-going, tv-watching, toy-possessing or adventure-making out there.

One of the things that my own wonderful, adventurous, filled-to-the-brim childhood lacked was Mario. Apart from playing it at friends’ houses a handful of times, I never got my hands on the game until I was an adult. (Consequently, I absolutely suck at it.) I did have a vague familiarity with the world and characters of Mario, though, and when I finally played more of it as a 20-something, I found the whole place absolutely charming. It’s colourful, bright, outrageous (seriously, what the f**k is wrong with this derpy little princess who can’t do a damn thing for herself?) and even full of music that doesn’t drive me gradually into a violent frenzy the way so much retro video game music does.

Recently I have gone beyond these simple introductions to the game world of Mario, and done a little Mario-themed crafting as well. Did I mention the wonderful bright colours and chunky shapes? It’s great stuff for crafting with.

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galaxy fabric – MAKER OF WORLDS

So, long and slurred story short, I finished this blog post earlier, came home and drank a bunch of beer to celebrate the fact that it’s Friday and screw everything that has been irksome and difficult about this week, and now my will to write a cohesive introduction has been almost entirely annihilated*. So here’s the abbreviated, slightly buzzed version of what I might have said:

SPACE. Space is cool. I am cowardly and would absolutely suck at being an explorer of any kind (especially in space, what with the terrifying lack of oxygen & all), and I also probably know less about space and what it is and how it works than a baboon’s backside does. But I do know that it’s awesome. And cowardice aside, I love pretty pictures of amazing things, and images of space pretty much get top awards in that category. I also started following Phil Plait on Twitter recently (@BadAstronomer), who reinforces this whole notion of space being really damn cool, by posting links to really damn cool pictures & information about space all the time.  Read the full post »

vandal eyes

As I’ve mentioned before, I know a number of people who enjoy sticking googly eyes on things. Who doesn’t, really? It’s awesome! And when Anne Wheaton started her vandaleyes Tumblr a few days ago, I absolutely had to submit some of my own photos of eyeballed inanimate objects.

For tons of googly eyes awesomeness, check out vandaleyes.net, Magic Cards With Googly Eyes, or just do a Google image search for “eyebombing.” In fact, here, I did the search for you. You can thank me later, when you’re done giggling at all the things with googly eyes stuck to them.

beginnings – galaxy dress

We all like to pretend a lot of things about ourselves. Like that we never get morning breath, are always likeable, don’t sweat (or don’t smell funky when we do), always know what we’re doing, meant for it to happen that way, and OMG totally didn’t see that email, so sorry (but actually just didn’t feel like answering it right that minute, and then we forgot, and then we felt bad about it & so ignored it, and then forgot again). Um.

One of the things I like to pretend (besides all of the above, obviously), is that when it comes to crafting I totally know what I’m doing and look at this magically perfect thing I made and isn’t everything just grand and peachy? You always get to see how stuff ends up (when it ends up well), but it’s less frequent that I share the details of just how much went wrong and had to be ditched, redone, fixed or fiddled with along the way. I think I’ve finished two sewing projects in my entire life that didn’t require any picking out of stitches.

So today, we’re going to walk through the beginnings of a project together, to see what everything looks like before it’s done and put together, neatly photographed and looking lovely. And see what issues we encounter along the way. Because a project without an issue is a rarity indeed, and usually has me looking over my shoulder wondering when and how the world is gonna make me pay for it.

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Cute Cthulhu

Sometimes when I am making my various cuddly creatures, I subconsciously start inventing personalities or background stories for them. Quite often, creatures will sit at the back of my desk for a period of time, waiting on those last finishing touches, or to be photographed and listed in my store. And they get chatty with the other critters who are also waiting around back there, and sometimes have adventures together.

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