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a field of Pineapple Maki plushies


A while ago I shared what it was like to construct 65 very fuzzy, very orange Kobold plushies. This week, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of some of the creation of 50 very cool, very sunglasses-wearing Pineapple Maki plushies. What fuzz levels did this project create? How many felt shapes did I have to cut out? What does a kitchen crammed with plush pineapples look like? Read on to find out!

First, of course, I got in touch with artist Maki Naro to propose the project. Maki is a very talented cartoonist and webcomic artist, the man behind the wonderful world of science comics at sci-ence.org, and more recently of the webcomic Sufficiently Remarkable. I first encountered Maki and his work when he appeared on the Penny Arcade reality “tv” (actually the internet in this case) show Strip Search.

Maki was all for me making the plushies, and they became a special reward tier for his Sufficiently Remarkable Kickstarter. So after the Kickstarter completed, and after I finished making all those Kobolds, and after Desert Bus for Hope was past, I started making pineapples. Lots and lots of pineapples. Read the full post »


dice bags of many designs

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A couple of years ago I started making dice bags here and there, for fun and for sale and for gifting. I’d make them out of various scraps of cool fabric I had around, or appliqué images onto them that suited the people I was giving them to.

At the end of this post, I’ve linked to a number of tutorials for making your own dice bags in the styles you’ll see in my photos, and for doing bleached designs, felt appliqué and so on.

Space and Bleach

Initially, I was mostly making bags of simple patterned fabric leftovers. Then I started using scraps of fabrics I’d decorated myself, like my galaxy fabric, and fabrics with little bleached designs.

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paper birthday cake box

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Birthday season is approaching! I hear people remark that all their friends seem to have birthdays at the same time, whether that’s in October or June or whenever. I think of this as birthday season, and everyone’s birthday season is a little different, depending on their friend group.

For me, birthday season is in March/April, when not only my own birthday happens, but also seemingly the birthdays of at least half the people I know. Some of them sneak right up on a person (every year I learn of at least one more I’d previously been unaware of), so it’s good to be prepared.

This sweet (pun intended) birthday cake box can be made for a specific upcoming birthday, or put away for an as yet unknown future celebratory need. You can customize it for anyone, with what treats you put inside it and even the colours you use.

And while a few of the steps are a little finicky, I found it way easier to get perfect icing on this thing than on any actual edible cake I’ve ever attempted to decorate.

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emergency wedding dress mod

All wedding day & most accessories photos in this post taken by Andrew Ferguson. See more of his work at www.goldengod.net.

Tally & Jer - Bride Prep (11 of 29)

Wedding DIYs can be wonderful, and they can be terrible. And sometimes with weddings, there is very little room for error. So imagine: it’s six days before you’re getting married, and you try on your dress for the first time. And it doesn’t fit.

That is what happened to me.

There are two important facts that begin this story:

Fact one: until two months ago, my parents and I lived 2,000 miles away from each other, and until months after my wedding none of us expected that to change anytime soon. They lived in Lawrence, Kansas, USA, I in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. We saw each other once or twice a year.

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Fact two: My mother is a brilliant seamstress. She made her own wedding dress, many of my brother’s and my childhood clothes, all of our (extraordinary) Halloween costumes, my prom dress and much much more. It has always been assumed by both of us that she would sew my wedding dress when the time came.


My prom dress – I was kind of obsessed with medieval princess at the time.

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galaxy paper… and Doctor Who cupcake liners

galaxy paper

Did you know that you can bleach paper? The same way you bleach fabric, in fact. This tutorial is a for-paper version of my lesson on making your own galaxy fabric, and it’s largely the same.

Beyond the fact that it’s just marvellously awesome, there are lots of great things you can do with galaxy paper. So far, I’ve made some sweet space themed cards, and some galactic wrappers to go on some Doctor Who themed cupcakes which were, frankly, pretty darn out of this world. Observe:


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etched glass jars

etched glass jars

Here’s a bit of crafting advice: don’t brush your teeth with the same toothbrush you use to scrub chemical substances off your craft projects.

I know, you’d think this would go without saying. But you’d also think I’d have known better than to dump green dye down a white porcelain sink that one time (I do know better now). We’re all a bit stupid on occasion.

The toothbrushing incident was a lesson in putting your craft supplies away after completing a project. I’d been etching glass jars before Christmas, as gift containers for homemade candied pecans. I scrubbed the last of the etching cream off with an old toothbrush, and left the brush to dry on the bathroom counter. Yeah, you see how this is going to go. The next morning, I grabbed the wrong toothbrush (it happened to be the same colour as my current actually-for-teeth toothbrush), and got most of the way through brushing before I realized what I’d done.

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Featherweight’s loop scarf

Featherweight Happy Thursday everyone! I have a special treat for you today: a craft tutorial in comic form, from the incredibly talented Featherweight. I first met Featherweight (in a virtual sense) through the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along. He is a maker of many things, from paintings and comics to puppets and props, and over the years he has donated some remarkable artwork, props and puppets for our auction block, helping us to raise money for sick kids.

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