Time for an adorable pictures post! You may recall that this past spring I made a horde of wee dimetrodon plushies for The Doubleclicks‘ Kickstarter. (Their new album has a song about dimetrodons. It’s awesome. The whole album is awesome. If you’re not already familiar with the Doubleclicks, you should really check them out. They […]
50 Dimetrodon plushies
double-stuffed Creepy Doll
Double stuffed Oreos are “wonderfilled” with soft, sugary deliciousness. Double stuffed Creepy Dolls, conversely are “horrorfilled” with squishy, staring terror. When I posted about making 50 Creepy Dolls for LoadingReadyRun’s Kickstarter, I mentioned that, due to prototyping that left me with the unfinished and horribly disfigured shell of a Creepy Doll, one doll in the […]
Creepy Doll photoshoot
One quiet Sunday afternoon…
The life and times of Creepy Doll hordes
Back in the fall, my friends over at LoadingReadyRun contracted me to make 50 Creepy Dolls for their Kickstarter. This is a plushie of a longtime LRR character with a bit of a random history. The Creepy Doll first appeared years ago in Kathleen De Vere’s webcomic Korea, as a character called the Littlest Reaper. Kathleen […]
the making of 65 kobold plushies
Back in the spring of 2013, I agreed to make a large number (large by the standards of things that are handmade, anyway) of plush kobolds for 9th Level Games, who were Kickstarting a deluxe edition printing of their popular game Kobolds Ate My Baby. In December, the kobolds were finally shipped out, to terrorize […]
Pineapple Maki plushies
Today, I get to reveal a super exciting secret project I’ve been working on recently! I’ve mentioned Strip Search before on this blog, and how much fun I was having watching it. Well it finally came to a close, following which a number of the show’s contestants started running Kickstarters for their various webcomic projects.
Kobolds Ate My Baby plushies
If you haven’t seen it already, you should go check out the Kobolds Ate My Baby Kickstarter that’s currently running. The folks at 9th Level Games, along with artist John Kovalic, are crowdfunding a special deluxe, full-colour reprint of their popular game Kobolds Ate My Baby. It’s been a fantastically successful Kickstarter, and with just […]