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Store & Commissions

My Etsy store & Commission work

So obviously I encourage you all to get out there and DIY, make things yourselves and experiment with crafting. That said, I also make a lot of things I don’t post tutorials for. You can see many of those things in my Etsy store, Tally’s Bestiary.

My bestiary is full of fun critters and accessories, usually things with eyes and cute little faces. There’s a lot of felt and fleece and paws and tails and ears and growls and squeaks and cuddles.

Here are a few of the things currently for sale:



I also do accept commission projects, dependant on my available time and on the specific project. If you have an item you’d like to ask me about making, please send a email detailing your request to [email protected].

You can of course commission me to make pretty much anything you’ve seen in my Etsy store, or you can ask about a custom item. Below are some of the commissioned works and special projects I have done in the past (Note: I do accept commissions for things other than plushies. It’s just that mostly what gets requested is plushies! And they have sort of become my specialty.)


Pineapple Maki plushies


Skuttles the machine crab plush


Castle Crashers bear shaman plush

Kobolds Ate My Baby plushies

Craterhoof Behemoth plush

Cthulhu tentacle neck pillow

sad panda plush

Fblthp plush

Rainbow Dash plush

Hydralisk plush

Giant D20 plush/pillow

Ganon doll

Galaxy printed blue whale plush

Charmander plush

Tard the Grumpy Cat plush

long-stem Piranha plant flower

piggy Link doll

pink & white wedding narwhals

Piranha Plant bouquet

Drogon (Game of Thrones dragon) plush

R2D2 plush

Garruk’s Companion plush

needle felted mouse family

Castform Pokemon plush

Spheal Pokemon plush

Boshi plush

Ducky Momo plush

Gnarlid plush

Zergling plush:

Goblin Lackey plush

1st Nations styled hummingbird doll

Bearicorn plush

Scaled Wurm plush

Perilous Myr plush

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